---------- Mensagem encaminhada ---------- De: "British Council Brazil" webmaster@britishcouncil.org.br Data: 01/11/2012 13:15 Assunto: Enews Special Edition - Job Opportunities at the British Council in Recife Para: oonacastro@gmail.com
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*Special Edition - Job Opportunity* http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001JMJ5x_sMyW5xSHKNuhi8NEerfflhtjGKIuxiJbwvTIq_3i3w24zeUNuQ0j2DDvLdbJqjWlG_Ad42kDcwqKPQ7mt4ZsSa47M1UzbtOUPyKfZG7Zf2D9kUVwK21LYzrPV8
* *
*ELT Development Manager based in Recife*
The British Council in Brazil is looking for a qualified and motivated professional to work as *English Language Training Development Manager*.
The purpose of the job is to lead training projects with our partners in Brazil and to ensure the delivery of high quality teacher training and consultancy. This teacher training activity will raise the British Council's profile as a provider of effective and sustainable teacher development. To work with local team in pursuing new income-earning English projects in the North and Northeast Brazil in line with the British Council's strategy.
This is a locally-engaged post. Candidates must have the right to work in Brazil.
The British Council is not able to support or sponsor work visa applications from non-Brazilians. Contract for 12 months under the fixed-term clause of the Brazilian labour law, renewable for equal period.
English language qualification equivalent to IELTS 8 or CPE is mandatory. Candidates must also have excellent communication skills in Portuguese. Non-native speakers may be required to take a Portuguese language test.
Gross salary: R$ 9.000,00 plus benefits.
The role profile containing duties and responsibilities, qualifications and skills necessary for the job and the application form are available on our website at
*http://www.britishcouncil.org.br.http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001JMJ5x_sMyW6il_yiWZIaOdNyXC-AXzGBK2Y-fOga9r8NbDDpf_SIYrODekj3y1vEHIfZ9HUuMRyHUKlFA_V6n2FS7hgvLZdzMZLL8TH67WNmggKfO6TN9aRVCqZNTNY0WYRHpI0Fv5Any1q-zblvT8CVK1tV-zinPfBCrS8owWw= *
*Deadline for applications 11/11/2012 *
If this post is of your interest, we encourage you to apply or to pass on the information to professionals who might be interested. * *
The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.We are registered in England as a charity. Nossa política de privacidade e declaração de direitos autorais. Our Freedom of Information Publications Schemehttp://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=g4pol9n6&et=1104021800096&s=0&e=001Z2fxJTBg6G2VHzWHtMypm-uIggOzZ6IWsZ40j0IA5DvXZ_JniUs_CWGLaIuuG5i12s5xX36tTM8EeHewRoIenN5UEHH_An8Mht8mxHDpplg= .
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