quem sabe um dia REA chega la...
On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Barbara Dieu beeonline@gmail.com wrote:
".....Almost 11,000 researchers have signed up to a boycott of journalshttp://www.guardian.co.uk/science/blog/2012/apr/24/life-elsevier-open-access-scientific-knowledgeowned by the huge academic publisher Elsevier. Subscriptions to the thousands of research journals can cost a big university library millions of pounds each year – costs that have started to bite as budgets are squeezed. Harvard University, frustrated by the rising costs of journal subscriptions, recently encouragedhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2012/apr/24/harvard-university-journal-publishers-pricesits faculty members to make their research freely available through open access journals and to resign from publications that keep articles behind paywalls."
Um abc, B.
-- Barbara Dieu http://barbaradieu.com http://beespace.net
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