Algumas coisas...
Mesmo o IRC sendo uma opção mais aberta, há uma dificuldade maior em se expressar via texto em detrimento a fala. Isso é um dos motivos que eu preferiria testar esse call, e qualquer coisa a gente faz uma gravação para quem não conseguir participar,
Poderíamos fazer isso no meio do WikiBrasil e todos participarem em conjunto, ou na noite da quinta/sexta/sab
Nunca usei o websex ae, não sei quantas pessoas podem participar sem ficar zuado. Mas se for na WikiBrasil o limite é praticamente o alcance do microfone.
On 7 October 2012 21:09, Alexandre Hannud Abdo wrote:
Perdão por não traduzir a mensagem encaminhada a seguir, mas às vezes o tempo é escasso para contornar as dificuldades impostas pela plutocracia. ;)
Basicamente o AffCom (isso mesmo, Aff!) quer um papo em voz conosco.
Minha sugestão é solicitar que essa conversa ocorra no meta, ou por IRC.
A razão é que eu prefiro muito mais discutir em texto o assunto, que nas palavras deles será "todos os assuntos relativos ao processo de reconhecimento da Wikimedia Brasil como capítulo, especificamente incluindo os desenvolvimentos recentes".
Alguns motivos da minha preferência considero óbvios, mas incluem não nos sobrecarregar com o esforço de gerar um trabalhoso relato transcrevendo o papo, tornar a participação mais simples para todos os interessados, e evitar dependências do grupo que poderá participar.
Peço assim que, por hora, ninguém preencha o tal doodle, enquanto não decidimos como proceder.
Obrigado e aguardo vossos PDV! rsrs
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Inivtation for a Webex call about Wikimedia Brasil Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 12:49:08 +0200 From: Tomasz W. Kozłowski To: Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton CC: Al-Scandar Solstag, Castelo Branco, María Sefidari
Dear Rodrigo, Al-Scandar and Castelo, I am contacting you on behalf of the Affiliations Committee to invite you for a Webex call about Wikimedia Brasil's process of recognition as a Wikimedia chapter.
We would like to use this call as an opportunity to discuss all matters related to Wikimedia Brasil's process of recognition as a Wikimedia chapter, specifically including the recent developments (since our meeting at the Chapters Conference in Berlin, Germany, at the end of March).
The Committee will be represented by Maria (CC'd here) and myself, and I have contacted you as the three most active and well-known members of Wikimedia Brasil that I could think of; I you feel that you will be unable to take part in the call or have another suggestions for people that should be part of it, please let us know. If possible, I would like, however, to limit the number of people taking part in the call to 5/6, because the bigger the group is, the harder it is to have a productive call.
On a more technical note: Webex is a web conferencing system developed by Cisco Systems, Inc. that is used by the Wikimedia Foundation. It enables people not only to take part in a conference via their computer, but also makes it possible to join the conference through a toll-free call-in phone number or to receive an incoming call from the conference (so you don't have to pay for the call).
The WMF has been using Webex for some time already, and I have also thoroughly tested it myself; it's very easy to use, and the possibility of calling-in the conference makes the audio quality very good, much better than Skype or other VoIP services; also, the only requirement to use Webex is to have a Java-enabled browser.
If you'd like to take part in the call, please write down your preference using a Doodle form at There are 5 hours of difference between Europe and Brazil, so I have tried to make it possible for all of us to take part in the call, scheduling it for a late afternoon in Brazil (which is a late evening here in Europe). Please note that the hours are given in UTC -- but you're able to convert them to your local time using a drop-down menu just above the suggested times.
If you have any questions about the meeting, please do not hesitate to ask.
Thanks in advance for your time,
Tomasz W. Kozłowski a.k.a. [[user:odder]] Affiliations Committee