hello ting!
I suggest we meet at around 14h (2pm) at the cafe of Reserva Cultural, a restaurant/cinema on Paulista Avenue, between Brigadeiro and Trianon subway stations.
from there we can move and, for example, visit some culture centers friends to wikimedia around town.
but let us know if you will have lunch with us or not, so we know wheter to eat before the meeting.
if you need to contact us, my phone is +55-11-8150-8747
(anyone else planning to go can call me as well :])
please reply with a copy to me because posts to the list by non-members is moderated and i think the moderators forgot to place you in the "always allow" list.
ale ~~
----- Mensagem original -----
Hello Alexandre,
thank you very much for the mail. Yes I will be available at Saturday, maybe at best sometime in the afternoon. I have no special programs, just meet a college and friend of mine (I have no idea where his flat is), so have plenty of time. Please mail me where and when we meet and I will be there.
Looking forward to meet you
Alexandre Hannud Abdo wrote:
Hi ting,
As thomas informed us on the br chapter's list through the e-mail below, we understand you'll be around in São Paulo on Saturday.
If you're still available, some of us would be interested in grabbing lunch downtown, or meeting later for a walk or drinks.
What say you?
If positive, pick your time and tell us where you'll be, we'll choose a venue easy to get to.
ale [[User:Solstag]] ~~
On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 13:21 -0200, Thomas de Souza Buckup wrote:
Ting Chen, conselheiro da Fundação Wikimedia, está no Brasil e demonstrou interesse e disponibilidade para encontrar com Wikipedistas e demais voluntários da Wikimedia em Brasília e em São Paulo.
Alguém em Brasília e/ou em São Paulo estaria disposto a organizar e divulgar esse(s) encontro(s) com ele? Estou bem ocupado, mas posso fazer a ponte com o Ting (wing2004philopp@googlemail.com), se alguém precisar de uma força.
Segue abaixo a agenda e as disponibilidades dele:
Brasília: Ficará hospedado no Mercure Hotel até sexta, com disponibilidade hoje e amanhã (23 e 24 de fevereiro).
São Paulo: Ficará hospedado com amigos até domingo, com disponibilidade no sábado de manhã e à tarde (27 de fevereiro).
Abraços, Thomas