Em sintonia com a Wikiversidade.
Não fucei direito, mas parece uma boa iniciativa - ter o sobrenome do digníssimo Albert é legal.
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iwojcik via communities: Einstein University - the free university.
Looking for volunteers / administrators to get new project off the ground. If you would like to participate e-mail me at isaacwojcik@einstein-university.org or sign up on the website at www.einstein-university.org. Einstein University is a free online university/ academic social network where students and professors from around the world can share ideas, read each others papers, and collaborate on research. You can upload your photo, curriculum vitae, and up to four research papers. Instead of charging students tuition, the university funds itself through online ad revenue and donations. Our focus is entirely on higher education and our goal is to become a fully accredited degree granting university. Einstein University uses the same software as Wikipedia, which means anyone can help write or edit the open college textbooks and other course material. It is similar to a For-Profit Online University, but instead of a company creating the content, all of our content is created collaboratively. Also, instead of paid professors facilitating the courses, all of our faculty members are volunteer. The E=mc² Initiative is our plan for accreditation. We hope to one day offer Bachelor, Masters, and even Doctoral degrees online for free, but we are going to start off simple. Our plan is to offer a 2-year Associate Arts degree in 25 different languages and apply for accreditation in the main countries that speak those languages. If successful, this would make higher education free for over 3 billion people.
The College Textbook Genome Project is an initiative to put all of the world's knowledge in one place. The project's aim is to create hundreds of free online open college textbooks, which anyone can access and read at anytime for free. We hope to get authors whose textbooks are no longer in print to donate the digital rights so we can update them and turn them into open textbooks. We use Semantic Mediawiki which means both humans and machines will be able to read them.
If you would like to participate, sign up for a free account. The first step is to create the open college textbooks and other course material. There is no set schedule or semesters and volunteers professors are not assigned to particular courses or students. All they have to do to maintain volunteer faculty status is to earn a certain amount of points each quarter. They can earn these points by editing an open textbook, answering a student's question, uploading a seminar or lecture, or submitting a test question. When and how a volunteer professor decides to earn his or her points is totally up to them. Einstein University – An Introduction - Video http://vimeo.com/22913827 Einstein University – Learn how to edit - Video http://vimeo.com/22972243 www.einstein-university.org Facebook/ Einstein University Twitter/ EinsteinU