Thank you, Alexandre We are going to interview three kinds of Wikipedia users in Brazil: mobile readers (those who read Wikipedia on their phone), potentials (those who read Wikipedia on their computer only, but have a mobile phone with Internet connectivity so potentially they can read Wikipedia on the phone) and editors. Our plan is to do interviews in Sao Paulo, Salvador and Porto Alegre. Our schedule is not finalized, but we are looking to conduct the interviews in late May and early June. We'll keep you updated. We are hoping you or others can help us in recruiting Wikipedia editors in Sao Paulo, Salvador and Porto Alegre. Although, we have been talking to translating services in Brazil, we have not found anyone really good. We are looking for translators in Sao Paulo and Salvador (for the actual interviews). We would also need help in transcribing the interviews from the study. Any leads or help are welcome. Mani
Mani Pande, PhD Head of Global Development Research Wikimedia Foundation Twitter: manipande Skype: manipande
On 4/18/11 1:46 PM, Alexandre Hannud Abdo wrote:
Ni! Hi Mani and Parul,
My name is Ale, one of many volunteers for the Wikimedia Brasil movement.
As you know, Kul just wrote to our mailing list telling of your trip, so we want you to know that we are right here for anything you might need.
Let us know as soon as possible about your travel details and plans for researching mobile usability here, so we can be as helpful as possible.
He also told us you do not understand portuguese. Are you going to hire a translator or assistant? What is the nature of your research, and where will you conduct it?
Wish you well, and soon a very warm welcome,
ale [[User:Solstag]]
On 04/18/2011 02:22 PM, Kul Takanao Wadhwa wrote:
Oi Brasilian Wikimedians!
Tudo bem com voces? Eu gostaria de avisa-los de antemao que duas pesquisadoras (de usuario e sociologia) da Fundacao Wikimedia estarao no Brasil em algumas semanas para conduzir uma pesquisa na area de telefonia movel (principalmente sobre a perspectiva de usuario). Elas sao - Mani Pande e Parul Vora. Elas vao estar visitando varias cidades e poderao entrar em contato com voces para pedir ajuda e conselhos. Elas tbem irao mante-los atualizados sobre o andamento da pesquisa. Elas nao falam e nao entendem portugues, mas nada como uma cachaca para facilitar o entendimento :)