Ocorrerá de 30 de junho a 1º de julho.
The Annual Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) is a wide-ranging conference that brings together individuals and organizations from across the open knowledge spectrum for two days of presentations, workshops and exchange of ideas.
Open knowledge promises significant social and economic benefits in a wide range of areas from governance to science, culture to technology. Opening up access to content and data can radically increase access and reuse, bridge gaps, improve transparency and thus foster innovation and increase societal welfare.
This is a time of great change. In addition to high profile initiatives such as Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap and the Human Genome Project, there is enormous growth among open knowledge projects and communities at all levels and in many countries. Moreover, in the last year, many governments across the world have begun opening up their data.
And it doesn’t stop there. In academia, open access to both publications and data has been gathering momentum, and similar calls to open up learning materials have been heard in education. Furthermore this gathering flood of open data plus content is the creator and driver of massive technological change. How can we make this data available, how can we connect it together, how can we use it to collaborate and share our work? We will explore these issues, and more, at OKCon.
Página de organização do evento: http://okcon.okfnpad.org/2011
Vou estar lá. Divulgando o evento.
P. S. Depois mando um email mais detalhado pedindo dicas para vocês se conhecem boas iniciativas relacionadas a dados governamentais abertos em Paris, Londres (vou contatar pessoal do MySociety), Florence (quero participar de EuroPython), Berlim, Estocolmo, Estônia/Letônia/Lituânia e Israel. Se alguém conhecer algum projeto ou pessoas interessantes por lá, me avise.