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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Siko Bouterse <sbouterse AT>
Date: Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 6:03 PM
Subject: Announcing the Individual Engagement Grants program
To: wikimediaannounce-l(a)
Hi all,
I’m pleased to announce the launch of a new grantmaking program at the
Wikimedia Foundation: Individual Engagement Grants. These grants will
support Wikimedians as individuals or small teams to complete projects
that benefit the Wikimedia movement, lead to online impact, and serve
the mission, community, and strategic priorities. This new program is
intended to complement WMF’s other grantmaking programs as well as the
grants that chapters and affiliate organizations provide.
The first round of proposals will be accepted from now until 15
February 2013. We’re also seeking committee members to help select
the first round of grantees. Please help spread the word to other
To get involved, share your thoughts, submit a proposal, or join the committee:
For more information on all of WMF’s grantmaking programs:
Best wishes,
Siko Bouterse
Head of Individual Engagement Grants
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in
the sum of all knowledge.
Donate or click the "edit" button today, and help us make it a reality!
Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more
useful than a life spent doing nothing."
The Wikimedia Foundation is excited to announce the launch of its 12th
official project: Wikivoyage <>, a free,
worldwide, online travel guide. Like Wikipedia and its sister projects,
Wikivoyage is free to edit, free of ads, and built collaboratively by
volunteers from around the globe.
becomes the 12th official Wikimedia project and debuts on the 12th
anniversary of the founding of Wikipedia on January 15th, 2001, what
Wikipedians often refer to as Wikipedia
Wikivoyage is already available in nine languages: Dutch, English, French,
German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. There are
approximately 50,000 articles, which are edited and improved by a core
group of approximately 200 volunteer editors.
“There’s a huge global demand for travel information, but very few sources
are both comprehensive and non-commercial. That’s about to change,” said
Sue Gardner, Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation. “Wikivoyage is
a great, useful service for travelers, and I’m expecting that with the
support of the Wikimedia Foundation and the global Wikimedia editing
community, it’s going to get even bigger and better.”
Wikivoyage has been an active wiki-based travel guide since 2006 in German
and Italian, supported by the German non-profit Wikivoyage Association. The
contributors on that site and the non-profit requested to migrate their
content and offered to donate their brand to the new project hosted by the
Wikimedia Foundation. The proposal was approved by the Wikimedia Foundation
Board of Trustees in October 2012. The site was moved over to the Wikimedia
Foundation servers in November of 2012, where it was in Beta until today.
“The purpose of the Wikivoyage Association is to promote education and
knowledge of all countries and regions in the world, as well as
understanding among nations,” said Stefan Fussan, Chairman of the board of
the Wikivoyage Association. “We’re very excited about the launch of
Wikivoyage as a Wikimedia project, and about the future role of the
Association in supporting the Wikivoyage community through its programs.”
Wikivoyage is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
license, which allows anyone the right to read, copy, print, save,
download, modify, distribute, sell, and update its content in any way,
provided the terms of the free license are respected. This includes giving
proper attribution to the creators of the content and ensuring that any
reuse or derivative works are also freely-licensed.
“As contributors to Wikivoyage, we work hard to create high-quality
content, written by travelers, for travelers, in their own language,” said
Peter Fitzgerald, an administrator on Wikivoyage. “We’re very excited to be
part of the Wikimedia community, and we invite travelers to join us in
creating an independent, non-commercial, online travel guide for the world.
We are confident that it will become the number one travel resource on the
*Matthew Roth, Global Communications Manager, Wikimedia Foundation*
Também em espanhol
12 años de Wikipedia y la familia se extiende
2001 marcaba el comienzo de un nuevo milenio y pocos imaginaban cuánto
cambiaría el mundo ese mismo año. En el mundo de la información, se dio
origen a una revolución que pocos habrían pensado:* Wikipedia nació el 15
de enero de 2001* y convirtió el conocimiento en un patrimonio de todos y
construido por todos.
[image: Wikipedia cumple 12
Pese a su modesto inicio (únicamente en inglés), Wikipedia logró el apoyo
de más voluntarios cada día, rompiendo rápidamente récords mientras
cambiaba los paradigmas de qué es una enciclopedia. Mientras las viejas
enciclopedias de papel se archivaban y las virtuales de pago cerraban sus
sitios, Wikipedia se ampliaba hasta llegar a más de *285 ediciones *al día
de hoy y más de* 35.000.000 usuarios* en toda su historia. Con más de 483
millones de visitas únicas al mes, es el* 5.º grupo de sitios más visitado
de Internet*. Más de 80.000 usuarios están cada día ampliando y mejorando
los 24 millones de artículos escritos en todos sus idiomas.
Wikipedia logró romper con los prejuicios sobre “falta de rigurosidad” y
amateurismo gracias a la labor de sus miles de voluntarios que han
construido la *compilación más grande del conocimiento humano*, una que se
expande cada día y que ha permitido la incorporación de conocimiento
usualmente relegado por las grandes editoriales: la participación de países
en vías de desarrollo aumenta cada día, más mujeres se suman a aportar
contenido y comunidades indígenas tienen acceso a difundir su cultura en su
propio idioma.
Junto a Wikipedia, otras plataformas han crecido a su alero. El primer
proyecto hermano en nacer fueWikcionario <>durante
2002, seguido de Wikilibros <>y Wikicitas
2003. Ese mismo año nacióWikisource <>, el
repositorio de documentos libres. Wikimedia
la colección libre de archivos multimedia, vio la luz en 2004, al igual que
Wikispecies <>y
. Wikiversidad <>finalmente fue publicado en
Nuevos proyectos
[image: Wikidata] <>Tras más
de seis años sin lanzar un nuevo proyecto, en los últimos meses la
Comunidad Wikimedia ha trabajado duro para crear nuevos sitios. Uno de
ellos es *Wikidata, <>*un
revolucionario proyecto que permitirá la creación de una* base de datos
colaborativa* que unifique la información entre los diversos proyectos de
Wikipedia y otros sitios. Este proyecto, que aún en beta ya tiene más de 3
millones de ficheros, lanzó hace dos días su primera fase en la Wikipedia
en húngaro, permitiendo centralizar los enlaces intra-idiomas. Se espera
que a futuro se puedan centralizar datos como población, fechas de
nacimiento o fallecimiento, que permita asegurar la actualización de datos
en todos los proyectos y todos los idiomas.
[image: Wikivoyage-logo-es]<>
*Wikiviajes <> *(*Wikivoyage *en otros idiomas) es
el otro nuevo proyecto nuevo y se lanza oficialmente hoy. *Wikiviajes* es
un proyecto para crear una* guía de viajes libre, completa, actualizada y
confiable*, desarrollada colaborativamente por “wikiviajeros” de todo el
mundo. Viajar es compartir conocimiento y experiencias y ese es el espíritu
de este proyecto. Wikiviajes está en nueve idiomas (alemán, español,
francés, inglés, italiano, neerlandés, portugués, ruso y sueco) y ya cuenta
con más de 50.000 artículos en total.
Wikiviajes nació en 2006 gracias a una asociación sin fines de lucro, que
creó una guía de viajes construida colaborativamente en alemán e italiano.
En 2012, la Asociación Wikivoyage solicitó formalmente la incorporación de
su proyecto a la Fundación Wikimedia, lo que fue aprobado en octubre de ese
año. *“El objetivo de la Asociación Wikivoyage es promover la educación y
el conocimiento de todos los países y regiones del mundo, así como el
entendimiento entre los países”* dijo Stefan Fussan, director de la
Asociación Wikivoyage. *“Estamos entusiasmado con el lanzamiento de
Wikiviajes como un proyecto Wikimedia y del rol de la Asociación para
apoyar a la comunidad de Wikiviajes a través de sus programas.”*
*“Existe una gran demanda global por información de viajes, pero pocos
sitios tienen una cobertura significativa y son no-comerciales; eso va a
cambiar”* dijo Sue Gardner, directora ejecutiva de la Fundación Wikimedia.
Al incorporarse a los proyectos de la Fundación, Wikiviajes incorpora un
número importante de nuevos editores al compartir el mismo sistema de
identificación que Wikipedia. En el sitio ahora se podrán usar fácilmente
todas las imágenes almacenadas en Wikimedia Commons y permitirá
interconectar directamente las guías con artículos relacionados en
Wikipedia. Además, se ofrecen nuevas herramientas como un creador de
PDFs<> que
permitirá a cualquier usuario descargar los artículos favoritos de
Wikiviajes en un PDF que pueda llevar impreso o guardado en su smartphone.
Todo esto es posible gracias a su licencia Creative
Commons<> que
permite a cualquier persona usar, reutilizar y modificar sus contenidos
libremente y al apoyo técnico de la Fundación Wikimedia, sostenida a través
de las donaciones de miles de personas en todo el mundo.
Esperamos que este nuevo aniversario de Wikipedia sea un excelente momento
para que nuevas personas se incorporen como voluntarios y nos ayuden en
nuestra labor de ampliar el conocimiento. El mejor regalo que le podés
hacer a Wikipedia es editando un artículo y mejorándolo. Millones de
personas te lo agradecerán.
Véase también
- Comunicado de prensa de la Fundación Wikipedia: “*Wikimedia Foundation
launches Wikivoyage, a free, worldwide travel guide that anyone can
Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful
than a life spent doing nothing."
está sendo traduzido mais um relato de uma professora usando a Wikipédia de
forma ativa em sala de aula. Descobrimos outros professores Brasil a fora e
espero ter mais casos em breve. Quem quiser ajudar na tradução para
publicação no blog da Wikimedia Foundation, seja
Design professor encourages students to improve Portuguese Wikipedia
Iara Camargo <> had
one term of teaching experience when a professor in her Ph.D. program at
the University of São Paulo forwarded her an open
the Wikipedia Education Program in
The program was looking for faculty members who were interested in
assigning students to write Wikipedia articles as part of their coursework.
Iara, excited by the prospect, signed up.
Professora Iara Camargo
"I got very excited about the idea of writing articles with my students on
Wikipedia," she says. "I think most academics have a little prejudice about
Wikipedia, saying that some information could be not quite real. But I've
always used Wikipedia as a starting point to research a subject. The idea
is not to use it as a reference, only to have some idea about the subject.
Then, when I started to look at it more critically, I found many good
articles in my research field… and of course some poor ones."
Iara asked her students in her Editorial
at Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco to improve those poor articles. Her
students researched and wrote articles ranging from famous designers like Bea
Feitler <> to concepts like
legibility <> to publishers
like Penguin
Books <>. Iara even started an
article herself, on book design<>
"I like incorporating Wikipedia in my class for these reasons," she says.
"First, to stimulate the students to read and write more. Second, I believe
that is good because they are actually publishing something, it is not a
paper that they are writing just to me to have an evaluation. Third, they
have to be conscious and judicious to write well, because a lot of people
might use it in the future."
Students in Iara's classroom work on their Wikipedia assignments.
In particular, Iara says, her students get more from the Wikipedia
assignment than they would from many traditional assignments in the design
field. Since design is mostly a visual medium, students do not have the
chance to develop as much researching and writing skills, but those are
critical skills for their careers. Iara believes the Wikipedia assignment
helps students learn these skills while teaching them the fundamentals of
the discipline.
"It is great in terms of writing, you have to be impartial and write
objectively, which is in some ways scientific writing because you cannot
add subjective writing to Wikipedia," she says. "And I think it is great
because they really have to find reliable sources instead of using the
argument 'I've heard it is like that' or 'I thought it was like that'."
A Campus Ambassador helps one of Iara's students.
Iara's department head Professor Paulo Durão enthusiastically supported her
and her students as they worked on the Wikipedia assignments. In fact, the
institution's academic director Professor Alexandre Uehara liked the idea
so much that Iara and her Campus
, Cauê Henrique
,Denise Akemi Matsuda<>,
and Maira Rodrigues<>,
were featured in a video shown in the school cafeteria for one month. Iara
and her students also had help from two Portuguese Wikipedians serving
as Online
Ambassadors <>, Vitor
Mazuco <> and
Gabryelsl <>. The
wikicode was initially scary for Iara, but with the help of the
Ambassadors, she learned how to edit Wikipedia and is even excited about
using her wikicode skills.
"My favorite part was the challenge of working with it!" Iara says. "It's a
wonderful tool and Wikipedia is not only a website, it is a very important
cultural phenomenon. We are in a different time and maybe learning and
studying nowadays has to be integrated with this new Internet life we are
*LiAnna Davis*
*Wikipedia Education Program Communications Manager*
Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful
than a life spent doing nothing."
O melhor programa de jornalismo do planeta Terra, Democracy Now, fez uma
longa e excelente reportagem sobre o suicídio do Aaron, com uma
emocionada entrevista do Lawrence Lessig e, ao final, um discurso do
próprio Aaron sobra a batalha pela Internet que é de perfurar os ouvidos.…
O caso tem profundas implicações, discutidas na reportagem, sobre a
violência do governo americano, a covardia de universidades, e o vazio
que precisa ser preenchido com a saída trágica de um dos mais produtivos
hackers e ativistas do planeta.
Infelizmente o programa é em inglês, se alguém tiver tempo pra legendar,
eu já comecei a criar legenda, no link abaixo com UniversalSubtitles (é
super fácil de usar), a história sobre o Aaron começa aos 15:14.
Ideia legal!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: phoebe ayers <>
Date: 14 January 2013 16:39
Subject: [Wiki-research-l] Fwd: [Asis-l] CFP> Global Wikipedia:
International and cross-cultural issues in online collaboration
To: Research into Wikimedia content and communities <
Apologies for any duplication; a call for chapters on a topic many
folks here have worked on.
From: asis-l-bounces(a) [] On
Behalf Of Noriko Hara
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 8:17 AM
To: asis-l(a)
Subject: [Asis-l] CFP> Global Wikipedia: International and
cross-cultural issues in online collaboration
Call for Chapters:
Global Wikipedia: International and cross-cultural issues in online
Important dates:
Proposals Submission Due: January 31, 2013
Full Chapters Due: March 15, 2013
Final Submission Due: July 1, 2013
Editors (to whom chapters should be sent and questions addressed):
Pnina Fichman ( fichman(a) ); Noriko Hara ( nhara(a) )
Indiana University, Bloomington.
Wikipedia offers articles in 285 languages and more than 80% of
Wikipedia articles are written in languages other than English. In
addition, the English Wikipedia itself attracts users from all over
the world. This global nature of Wikipedia provides a rich
socio-technical environment to examine a wide range of international
and cross-cultural issues. Despite the global reach of Wikipedia, most
of the published works about Wikipedia are based on the English site.
More research should pay attention to the global, multilingual nature
of Wikipedia to gain a better understanding of online international
cooperation, on one hand, and of cross-cultural variations in mass
knowledge production processes and outcomes, on the other. The purpose
of this book is to explore a wide range of international and
cross-cultural issues as they are manifested on Wikipedia. We are
particularly interested in research that takes a socio-technical
perspective on the global Wikipedia and integrates social theory to
explain online interactions. For example, we invite studies on online
global collaboration, coordination, and conflict management in this
rich socio-technical environment. We hope that these works will
highlight implications for other socio-technical environments or
extend the use and development of social theory. This unique
publication aims to be a collection of international and
cross-cultural research on the Wikipedia. We expect that this edited
volume will appeal to academic researchers, graduate, and
undergraduate students interested in Wikipedia and, more broadly, in
social studies of information and communication technologies, as well
as to Wikipedia contributors.
Recommended topics :
We are seeking chapters that include both empirical and conceptual
work and soliciting innovative analysis of international and
cross-cultural aspects of Wikipedia to be part of this book.
Appropriate topics for chapters include (but are not limited to) the
following list:
· Case studies of Wikipedia in one of the 285 languages, with special
interest in small and medium size Wikipedias; for example, focusing on
policies, processes, interactions or information quality
· Conflict and collaboration in editing international entries on any
particular language of Wikipedia
· International and cross-cultural collaboration; for example,
international cooperation in fighting vandalism
· Intercultural synergy across boundaries on Wikipedia or Wikimedia projects
· Cross-cultural studies that compare more than one Wikipedia, for
example, focusing on:
· Cross-cultural comparisons of content, structures, and contributions
· Comparative studies of policies, interactions, and processes
· Efforts to understand similarities and differences across Wikipedia
in multiple languages in user motivations, establishment and
maintenance of local communities and challenges
· Comparative analysis of editing policies around the globe
· Information quality across two or more Wikipedia languages
· Comparison of scope and representation of topics across Wikipedia in
several languages
· Vandalism and trolling behaviors across national and language boundaries
Chapters are expected to have between 4000 and 5000 words (excluding
references, figures, and tables). Only original work whose copyright
is owned (or cleared) by the chapter authors and not considered for
publication elsewhere can be considered for inclusion.
Important dates :
January 31, 2013: submit 2-3 page chapter proposals and authors’ bios
(200 words)
Feb 1, 2013: receive acceptance notification
March 15, 2013: submit first full chapters
May 15, 2013: receive reviewers’ comments
July 1, 2013: submit final versions
This book is scheduled to be published by Scarecrow Press. For
additional information, please visit .
Scarecrow Press is the publisher of, among other titles, Digital Media
: Technological and Social Challenges of the Interactive World (2011).
The publication is anticipated to be released in 2014.
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Enviado por Otto Teixeira (ottoteixeiraΘgmail·com):
“Relatei em 2010 minha experiência com o reembolso pelo Windows OEM de um
notebook Lenovo, quando fui reembolsado em R$ 229 pela licença do Windows
XP Home OEM embutida. Depois daquele episódio, eu sabia que não ia demorar
a passar pelo mesmo problema novamente. E não demorou. Em março de 2011,
comprei outro notebook, um G460 (também Lenovo) com Windows 7 Home na loja
virtual do Ponto Frio. Depois de reclamar no Procon e entrar com uma ação
no Juizado de Pequenas Causas, consegui outro reembolso, dessa vez com
direito a indenização por danos morais.”…