Hi Richard,
Thanks for your response. This is an unprecedented emergency situation we are all facing and I don't have a clear answer for you. That's why I initiated the discussion, so that we can figure something out together.
There are NGOs like Akshay Patra Foundation[1], Uday Foundation[2], Rockefeller Foundation[3], Azim Premji Foundation[4] and many others who have COVID-19 support funds for their targeted communities and areas. Many of them have their scope of work aligned with this kind of situation, some don't. We may have to build our own model to protect our assets.
Regarding the scope of such a support program, IMHO, it is perfectly within our scope to protect our community members considering them the most valuable asset of Wikimedia world, as I had tried to explain in my previous email. For example, we have at least 2 known cases of recent hospitalizations of long-term volunteers having immense impactful contributions on Wikimedia sites from our local community, along with their entire family for this disease very recently. We can't afford to lose people like them physically or due to their mental breakdown in any way.
Personally I feel, insuring individuals against COVID-19 or helping people to get vaccines or sending other supports can be better handled locally by local affiliates (or local committees as proposed by Tito, whichevers seems fit) instead of a central organization like WMF. Local affiliates have better information about the vulnerable section of the community, government orders concerning the available vaccines, local market value of insurance premiums, vaccines, disinfectants etc. Sometimes they even have the money and/or the intention to extend this kind of support too, all they need is just a permission from the donor i.e. WMF Grants team.
So, if the local affiliates handle the support, they can set several criteria for the local community like (subject to change/consideration) 1) Long term/Veteran contributors (for now) from the local community 2) Very active contributors (for now) from the local community - can be moved to active contributors if possible and feasible. 3) Vulnerable section of community w.r.t. age and economic status. 4) Vulnerable section of community w.r.t. distance of residence from epicenters. etc.
Regarding feasibility, it is not necessary to support the entire global community all at a once. Support can only be provided to those countries where the curve is steeply rising and that's how the most vulnerable communities can be protected. We do have plenty of data comparing the graphs of different countries from different platforms. I can give some glimpse about India, the current epicenter of the new wave, having around 300,000 new cases every day and around 2000 deaths every day. Currently, the vaccines are almost unavailable right now in different parts of the country. Very recently, the Central Government of India has opened up the free market for Oxford-Astrazeneca manufactured vaccine Covishield, so there is a high chance of hike of price very soon, considering the demand of the vaccines[5[6]]. Hospital beds, including ICUs are in shortage, even in cities with most advanced health facilities in the country, people are dying just trying to find a bed in a hospital[7][8][9]. Oxygen cylinders are in a very short supply[10]11[12]. Overall, the picture is very alarming and depressing. We can triage countries having these kinds of grave situations first, support the local communities there and move to the next group of countries with lesser necessities.
Regards, Bodhisattwa
[1] https://www.akshayapatra.org/covid-relief-services [2] https://www.udayfoundation.org/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/ [3] https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/news/the-rockefeller-foundation-awards... [4] https://azimpremjifoundation.org/Covid-19 [5] https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-what-you-pay-siis-covi... [6] https://scroll.in/article/992738/indias-decision-to-liberalise-vaccine-sales... [7] https://www.livelaw.in/top-stories/covid-19-forget-common-man-bed-it-would-n... [8] https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/lucknow/more-patients-gasp-to-death... [9] https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Delhi/covid-19-patients-running-pillar-... [10] https://www.indiatoday.in/coronavirus-outbreak/story/uttar-pradesh-up-luckno... [11] https://www.livemint.com/news/india/covid-surge-oxygen-shortage-reported-in-... [12] https://www.indiatoday.in/coronavirus-outbreak/story/explained-why-india-is-...
On Fri, 23 Apr 2021 at 08:42, Pharos pharosofalexandria@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks Bodhi and Tito, do you perhaps have some models of non-profits that have done something similar? It's a bit hard to picture what would be the appropriate criteria and scope of such a support program.
Best, Richard (User:Pharos)
On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 1:57 PM টিটো দত্ত Tito Dutta trulytito@gmail.com wrote:
Hello, Thanks for sharing the thought. I agree that there is a necessity to seriously think of the support, and taking necessary actions. Very rarely we face such a threat directly affecting so many people. This is an exceptional situation, possibly needs exceptional measures (there was a thread/open letter on Wikimedianindia-l: https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimediaindia-l/2021-April/014955.htm... )
A few countries are badly affected. I believe other than the main pandemic, the simultaneous and post-pandemic socio-economic difficulties will be a huge problem. Other than the humanitarian aspect of it, this will have a direct impact on important areas like editor onboarding, editor retention, educational and institutional partnership etc.
I feel, possibly a COVID-19 (support) committee can be set up soon?
ইতি,/Regards, টিটো দত্ত/User:Titodutta
বৃহস্পতি, ২২ এপ্রিল, ২০২১ তারিখে ২:৪১ PM টায় এ Bodhisattwa Mandal < bodhisattwa.rgkmc@gmail.com> লিখেছেন:
COVID-19 has hit hard in India again making it the leading epicentre of the disease caused by the new mutated strains. The infection and death tolls have reached record high and the health system in different parts of the country is on the verge of collapse.
Like other common people, many Wikimedians might have lost their jobs last year. Like last year, this year too, many volunteers have been infected and hospitalised. Some of them have lost their family members, relatives, friends and other dear ones.
Volunteer online community is the heart of our movement and every dedicated, experienced and long-term volunteers are our most valuable asset. It is not at all exaggerating to say that many language Wikimedia projects or WikiProjects are dependent completely on one (or two or three...) person's persistence to build it as a tall building from scratch and if we lose some of those people, those projects might totally stop forever. There are so many fantastic people in the movement who have been doing incredible work in their volunteer capacity for such a long time (sometimes more than a decade) to make what Wikimedia is today.
I would like to urge people with power and money in the movement to find a way to protect these assets. We not only cannot afford to lose them, but also need to proactively protect them. Maybe a small step to provide personal or family COVID-19 insurance might help a lot. Maybe sending money to buy COVID-19 vaccines might save some of them. Who knows?
If we can spend millions of dollars for conferences or a couple of hundred thousand dollars to celebrate 20 years of Wikipedia during Wikimania, can we not spend a few thousand dollars to protect at least some of the people around the globe to some extent who made it possible to turn Wikipedia into its 20th birthday?
Disclaimer: I had tried to convince the grants team from my personal capacity last year when COVID-19 was spreading rapidly in India but was denied due to their legal concerns regarding insurance registration as well as settlement and liability issues. Few others tried to convince them too but failed. I am reaching out to the community to start a conversation this time and find a way together.
I am sorry for my long mail. I could not help it.
Regards, Bodhisattwa
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