In light of all the arguments, political and otherwise, discussed here, I propose the following:
* Redirect to; I think this is undisputed, per the LoC recognition that Moldovan is deprecated; * Store the content, in whatever state it may be, for later use; * Implement a JavaScript gadget at that allows for on-the-fly transliteration to Cyrillic, for whoever prefers to read Romainan in Cyrillic; if the gadget can be designed in such a way that it also allows writing in Cyrillic (with automatic transliteration back to Latin before saving), then all the merrier; * If, in the future, the language committee receives a serious request for opening a distinct project, the language committee will make a decision at that time, based on the realities of that moment; depending on the decisions made at that time, the content, interface translations and so on currently hosted at can be migrated to the new project.
My proposal is based on the following facts:
* The Moldovan language proper is universally recognized as non-existent; * Apart from Mark, nobody actually said they wanted to /read/, never mind write Romanian content in Cyrillic; the gadget I propose for would be more of a gesture of courtesy than any real help to anyone, but I think the community at wouldn't mind that. * We do not need to make decisions in the name of people who can't represent themselves. Milos has suggested that Mark represent the Transnitrians, but how would Mark know what they want? How is it reasonable to contemplate opening a new project that has no known readers, never mind contributors? Isn't it more logical to deal with that problem if and when it is actually raised?
Regards, Gutza