Delirium wrote:
So, I don't see what can really be done about that. I'm pretty resigned to the fact that committees, lawyers, and other random things seem to spring from nowhere without anyone, sometimes even the two elected board members, having heard about them. Clearly we aren't in control of the organization, and I don't see how that's likely to change.
That is a very strange interpretation of recent events, to be honest with you. The committees did not spring "from nowhere" but are, as you may want to notice, creations of, by, and for the community. The lawyers are not robots, they are community members. When I turn to someone like Michael Snow or Brad Patrick or Jean-Baptiste Souffron for help with legal issues, I frankly think it is a deep insult to them for you to suggest that they are not members of the community.
In general, this doesn't feel like a free-culture organization. I don't require Richard Stallman clones to be heading up all such organizations
Do you have any idea how the FSF is run? It is not a community organization at all.