Hello everyone,
The 2030 Movement Brand Project is now moving into Phase 2: naming convention proposals [1]. This is the most anticipated phase of this project. It will ask the movement to evaluate which proposal(s) best communicate who we are so that billions of new users can understand us and join us. We look forward to getting everyone’s feedback on the different ideas being developed.
The feedback period will go from 7-21 May, and will begin with a presentation of multiple naming convention proposals on 7 May at 17:00 UTC[2]. For information on the presentation, the proposals, and how the feedback process will work, see the update on the project page on Meta [3].
Samir & the Brand Project team
[1] https://w.wiki/Mju [2] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20200507T17&ah... [3] https://w.wiki/Pb8
Samir Elsharbaty (he/him)
Community Brand and Marketing coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation https://wikimediafoundation.org/