Milos Rancic wrote:
I think that it is more than possible to make one central event and a number of events all over the world at the same time. All of the places would be connected via video links as better as it is possible.
With or without video, though of course it would help, I think the idea of simultaneous events in multiple locations would be interesting to pursue. A second location wouldn't easily leap up to the level of Wikimania, though. And I hope we wouldn't simply reduce things to broadcasting Wikimania proceedings to other venues (closer to having an "audience" than including other parts of the "community").
It might be good to build this kind of capacity organically, the way we have done other things. Perhaps two of the various meetups that happen regularly around the world would like to coordinate with each other as a first run. That could be a fun experience and an opportunity to get involved at the very earliest stages of something.
--Michael Snow