I have received several inquiries and requests from Wikimedia community members for release of the Cherokee lexicons for incorporation into the Wiktionary and several adjunct projects which support Wiktionary projects for the Native Cherokee Language.
Cherokee Language Lexicons have been released and posted to
otali-20060619.lex.bz2 giduwa-20060619.lex.bz2
The released lexicons are in text format and follow the format
for individual words.
These lexicons do not contain the verb parsing and decomposition rules for pure translation of the 14 tenses, and are simply dictionaries of common words used by most modern speakers. Complex sentence construction requires the AI inference engine which reorders english sentences into Cherokee contructs, then synthesizes the verb stem and pronoun modifiers for each phrase. These lexicons are however, an ideal beginning for contruction of a Wiktionary for the Cherokee Language.
Jeff V. Merkey