Ting Chen wrote:
In this case it is not just a hobby website take our content for his small website. It is a company who purposefully take large quantity of contents from our projects and claim it to be theirs. The quantity of authors that is in this case breached is enomous. It is the duty of the foundation to protect the interest of our community.
Baidu is also sued by the music industry in America because of mp3 issues.
That would be a strange ally!
In this case an individual do not have the resource to make the lawsuite, and for an individual from China or Taiwan, whose right is breached, it is almost impossible. If the foundation don't care this matter, it is a shame.
I have long felt that the difficulties when our collective copyrights are breached would be greater than any problem we would face in trying to abide by the rights of others. We have any number of layers to protect us from legal liabilities from copyvios, but there is very little effort to deal with being on the other side of the dispute. This is definitely a point that I would raise before the Board if elected.