Given that the WMF is aware of the issues facing incorporation in different states and the difficulties set up as such, combined with the fact that we already have 3 in development chapters from 3 major metropolitan regions, I'm personally willing to bet that a "one nation one chapter" rule would at the very least have to have an exception for the US and other large countries with dispersed metropolitan centers. Due to the highly sovereign nature of the several states, compared with their massive size difference compared to Europe, I don't see any other choice.
-Dan On May 3, 2008, at 10:17 AM, Anthony wrote:
On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 9:37 AM, Gerard Meijssen wrote:
Hoi, Countries in Europe have states too. Thanks, GerardM
I don't deny that, though I do wonder if we're using the same sense of the term "state". I don't mean to include mere administrative divisions.
US states have their own laws, their own income and sales taxes, and they each handle incorporation separately. In fact, a corporation which does business in more than one state has to keep separate accounting for each state and file as a foreign corporation in each state apart from the first. There are, as Sebastian questioned, significant legal, if not tax, advantages to having a separate organization in each state.
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