On 09/26/11 12:27 PM, emijrp wrote:
If originals don't have copyright, how can The Israel Museum claim any copyright for scans which lack originality?[1]
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridgeman_Art_Library_v._Corel_Corp.
The cited case is a US case, and not necessarily binding in other countries.
Claiming copyright is not the same as owning copyright.
2011/9/26 Neil Babbageneil@thebabbages.com
The digital copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls have copyright, not the originals...
On 26/09/2011 19:58, emijrp wrote:
Hi all;
Finally, the Dead Sea Scrolls[1] have copyright[2]. Courtesy of The
Museum. Congratulations.
By they way: Hi Wikimedia Israel.
Regards, emijrp
[1] http://dss.collections.imj.org.il/ [2] http://dss.collections.imj.org.il/terms_pg