The Cunctator writes:
But please, don't ask for our harmony, trust, generosity, support, and kindness.
Earn it.
on 12/19/07 3:07 PM, Mike Godwin at wrote:
This is a fair point, so long as it is a reciprocal obligation. I have great respect for those who have honest criticisms of any process or decision at the Foundation. But sometimes those criticisms are framed in terms of recrimination, bitterness, mean-spiritedness, and so on. This choice of tone tends to obscure the message.
I think we can all do better. The way you create generosity is not by waiting around and demanding that other people be generous towards you. The way you create kindness is not by insisting that we get none from you until we "earn it."
I for one try to be generous with everyone here, which I can do until about the 10th iteration of a sarcastic attack, after which I am forced to start making jokes. Mostly.
*Be direct - be fair - be assertive - but, above all, BE CIVIL.*
Marc Riddell