Dear all
Over the past few months I have been leading the process of reviewing and refreshing Wikimedia UK's strategic framework, and developing a new business plan for 2016 - 19. The draft strategic framework sets out a new vision for the charity and I would welcome feedback from the wider global community about our proposed direction of travel:
The planned outputs from the strategic planning process will be a clear, concise strategic framework for the period 2016 to 2019, which outlines our vision, mission, values, planned outcomes, strategic goals and objectives and major programme strands, plus a three year business plan which puts the strategy in context, articulating the external context and drivers, planned priorities and programmes for the three year period and internal resources including staffing and funding.
You can respond to the consultation by *Monday 30th May 2016 *by adding your thoughts to the talk page or by sending an email to me on
Thanks and best wishes Lucy