Again you are referring to the hosting or presentation of non-free content and I am not. I am not referring to the DISPLAY of videos within Wikipedia. Only the LINKING of videos from Wikipedia.
No, I realise that is what you are referring to - and I don't honestly see any huge value to linking to such material. For example; in the case of a music single article, if the user was looking for a video of the content they would have gone to Youtube, that is the recognised place to go. If they were looking for background info they come to Wikipedia.
I see the minor value of linking out to Youtube to enhance reader experience in a small way; but balanced against our view of free content I feel that value is cancelled out.
99.9999% of Youtube videos have no licensing information at all so there is no way to tell if they are being uploaded by the copyright holder. The Wikipedian copyright police take a worst-case position and disallow all such linking.
Not at all; in many cases it is obvious (or taken on good faith). In other
cases Youtube is set up in such a way as to identify official accounts.
Often it is 100% clear the content is not free or used properly.
The critical issue is value; if non-free content adds substantial value then I 100% support the idea of linking or displaying it. This is the core of the current non-free content policy.
But in many cases that value is "meh" and encouraging such linking is a significant step backwards.
I've also been quite happy taking the long view. In the ideal world we could place the music video directly in the relevant article - as it is copyright prohibits that. In not all that many years (although after we are gone, certainly) the video can be placed in the article.
So I see no issue :) right now you can see it on Youtube, with dubious licensing. The next few generations will be able to see what their grandparents were watching/listening to on Wikipedia. :)
By the way Thomas this thread is for suggesting ways to move forward.
I'm not sure what you mean there exactly... that my view is the current standard and therefore irrelevant to moving forward?
Pfft. :)