The first time you appear in Federal Court and begin gaining experience, you will encounter some phenomena which are new to you. You will be amazed at the hourly rate people charge for engaging these interesting phenomena and at the years it takes to decide even the simplest matter, if a Court chooses to hear it.
You will discover that what you reasonably thought was the law, may when considered by a Federal Judge, become subject to serious doubt and sometimes adverse decisions, which, while they could be appealed successfully, require posting of bond guaranteeing payment of the judgement.
It isn't "controversial issues" that will sink you. It's the odd mention of someone, perhaps mistaken identity, a image on the wrong story, etc.
From: (Erik Moeller) Reply-To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List Date: 31 Oct 2004 13:58:00 +0100 To: Subject: [Foundation-l] Re: Wikinews
You fail to recognize all efforts that have been made to address this very problem. The issue has been discussed in much detail, both on this mailing list and on the wiki. A legal vetting process is part of the basic requirements of the Wikinews proposal. Legal counsel will be sought on controversial issues.
What is and isn't a flaw is often a matter of opinion. I simply disagree with you on the level of risk and the potential remedies.