Sj <2.718281828@...> writes:
This is not at all an easy job; work will need to be done to scale the paperwork and synchronize regular deadlines. I am glad that Walter is even considering doing this.
I have been owner of several domains. I did not have the impression it is very complicated or difficult. The most important thing is to not forget witch registrator you have used, the password of it. And to renew it on time.
The domains and are squatted long after the where listed on for a long time. This is because of the absence of a domain name administrator.
I know Branko Collin is now attempting to transfer to Wikimedia. I have also a domain to transfer. And I hope that it is not forgotten to renew, a domain I earlier have hand over to Wikimedia.
I am pesimistic about the current way of dealing whit this. There is need of more internal organisation about who does what and clear contact persons. Most Wiki's or even the Wikimedia Foundation does not have a clear way of contact like for example the Dutch and German wiki.
I will be offline for 2 weeks. It is time for my annual internet- disintoxication.
Greetings, Walter Vermeir