On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 15:38:34 +0100, "Peter Damian" peter.damian@btinternet.com wrote:
The problem is that until someone sits up and notices the serious errors that are propagated through Wikipedia (and which are now becoming part of the
folk wisdom of the internet), no one will be bothered. The problem is
no one *knows* there are problems, and so no one can be bothered. I've started documenting the problem in a small way, e.g. here http://ocham.blogspot.com/2010/06/william-of-ockham.html and here http://ocham.blogspot.com/2010/06/avicennian-logic.html , but this is only in my own area of expertise.
What is the very smallest thing that could be done, I wonder?
These issues have been discussed at length at the Strategy wiki and made to the five-how year strategic plan. The question is how they would be implemented now. But it is not really correct that nobody bothers.
Cheers Yaroslav