The whole process of James sacking from and by the Board is disturbing to many of us. At this point there are many who have too much to say. The frantic nature of condemnations, extrapolations, mutterings and irrelevant "me too"-ism means that this forum is too tightly bound to too few.. If you have nothing of true and clear added value, then maybe you should be silent. You should consider whether others really need to hear your opinion (yet again).
Some of you need to learn to shut up, listen, and patiently wait. Others should be given the opinion to talk in whichever part of the world and the time zones they exist.
This matter will take time to resolve, and it needs information from the Board, and they need to understand that this requires them to communicate, and continue to communicate. That everyone fills that void with noise is not helpful in my opinion.
Regards, Billinghurst P.S. Any snide comments, head-butts, etc. should be sent to me directly not via the list.