I think there are some risks we are not allowed to take, because their consequences will backfire on all projects.
True. But the least of all possible negative consequences is a temporary loss of reputation. On the other hand, it is also one of the most frequently cited reasons against something like Wikinews.
The failure of one solution worked along consensus making should not orient us in making further decisions without at least trying to seek consensus.
I have tried to do this on Wikinews - the current proposal is very different from what I originally suggested. Consensus seeking is good. Forcing it, requiring it, as the only way forward, is not.
I am glad to hear that any further projects or rules you will propose will not be voted on simple majority rule. I was not asking for more.
The rules for starting new projects have to be ultimately defined by the board. This is one of the decisions which are clearly within the board's authority and mission. Whatever rules the board agrees on - in consensus or through a vote -, I will naturally respect. I hope that the Wikinews proposal will serve as a lesson for defining these rules.