On 10/06/17 15:38, David Gerard wrote:
Rather than me reading through several pages to pick out what you might mean, could you please quote the bits you consider particularly make a relevant point?
- d.
Well, here is the abstract.
***************************************** ABSTRACT This qualitative study examines privacy practices and concerns among contributors to open collaboration projects. We collected interview data from people who use the anonymity network Tor who also contribute to online projects and from Wikipedia editors who are concerned about their privacy to better understand how privacy concerns impact participation in open collaboration projects. We found that risks perceived by contributors to open collaboration projects include threats of surveillance, violence, harassment, opportunity loss, reputation loss, and fear for loved ones. We explain participants’ operational and technical strategies for mitigating these risks and how these strategies affect their contributions. Finally, we discuss chilling effects associated with privacy loss, the need for open collaboration projects to go beyond attracting and educating participants to consider their privacy, and some of the social and technical approaches that could be explored to mitigate risk at a project or community level.
Author Keywords
Wikipedia; Tor; Risk; Privacy; Identity
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): Miscellaneous