I'm not proposing turning to I'm proposing a gadget that would seamlessly transliterate to Cyrillic *and back to Latin again, if possible* -- that way everybody reads in their own script, and (if possible) writes in their own script, while the database remains 100% in Latin.
I do not envisage any support whatsoever for a solution that would involve articles written in Cyrillic on -- that would be several degrees worse than the (already annoying) status quo.
On 13-Oct-10 17:59, Milos Rancic wrote:
According to Gerard's and my positions, that would be fully acceptable solution; with a couple of pages which you should write at ro.wp for users from Transnitria: how to edit pages in both scripts (I don't think that you would mind for probably less than 1% of articles written in Cyrillic after 10 years of the conversion engine implementation), how to report bugs (mostly for Latin->Cyrillic conversion) and similar. And, of course, it is needed that ro.wp community express clear support for that solution.
In that case, LangCom's suggestion to the Board would be that after the implementation of the conversion engine, mo.wp should be removed.
The implementation for this idea would take some time, but we would finally know the path for the solution.
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