Em dom, 14 de abr de 2019 09:54, Fæ faewik@gmail.com escreveu:
(...) If the true drivers behind this change are because WMF senior management believe that the WMF is a competitor for Facebook or YouTube (as was in one of the marketing presentations), then the problem is their perception of the mission of the WMF, not the name "Wikimedia". (...)
The real issue is the community not stopping the moron who changed a colored logo historically associated to diversity into a tedious P&B version and changed the WMF blog skin to a set of aggressive and repulsive colors.
Not stopping a disease in their very initial stages have a price.
Listing comercial entities as competitors with WMF projects is the worse thing I've forced to read on my life.
[[m:User:555]] P.S.: the "m" portion on my signature is a interwiki, not my gender, if someone don't knows