On 02/03/2008, Ray Saintonge saintonge@telus.net wrote:
Mark Williamson wrote:
i'm just disappointed i didn't even place. can i get a consolation prize? speaking from experience, whoever is at the top (i dont recall), theyre basically tellingyou to turn it down a little or face moderationbut as politely as psosible.
?? But you're in there with 16.
"place" means top 3 - horse racing term. (Don't kill me, I can't help myself! ;))
I see that my total has dropped. I engaged in a positive but easy act of self-discipline. Whenever I disagree with one of Thomas' posts I ask myself, "Do I really need to answer this?" It works wonders.
I ask myself "Is my answer at all useful?", which is "yes" rather more often than your question, so might explain the larger number of emails. I do often realise that it's "no" halfway through writing a reply and discard it, or discard it while proof reading - the 46 I clicked "send" on were the best 46 out of quite a few more, so count yourselves lucky! ;)