On 21/08/14 13:24, Risker wrote:
On 21 August 2014 09:18, Yaroslav M. Blanter putevod@mccme.ru wrote:
For me the conclusion would be not that we should drop them altogether in the mobile version (most of them are useful navigation means after all) but that the mobile version should be improved to parse them and to present them as a piece of plain text, not as a template.
Many of these templates have over 100 links in them; a surprisingly large number have "subtemplates" built into them. I'm having a hard time seeing how adding all those links at the bottom of an article is actually going to help that much. Unless we have some evidence to confirm this information is actually useful to readers -seriously, this is a community-designed feature targeted at readers as opposed to editors - it's probably time to rethink what indirectly related information on our article pages is made routinely available. We want people to use our information, not give up because it takes too long to load.
Man, I forgot how over the top some projects get with their navigation templates. But what Yaroslav said might actually provide a good guideline - if they CAN be reasonably simplified, then the templates themselves are probably reasonable. If not, they need to be fixed.
Just hiding them isn't the solution - the templates themselves need to be made more realistic, because while they may be a bit overwhelming on the desktop (I mean, I looked at [[red]] and was overwhelmed by the bottom of the page), the issues they present on mobile devices should be a real incentive. But if you just hide them, that removes the incentive to fix them up. That doesn't make much sense to me.