On 6/30/10 1:16 AM, Veronique Kessler wrote:
The 2010-11 Annual Plan and Questions and Answers have just been posted to the Foundation website (http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Financial_reports#2010-2011_fiscal_year). The plan was approved by the Board last week.
The 2010-11 plan differs from previous years in that this plan is rooted in the five-year (2010-2015) Wikimedia Strategy which has been developed collaboratively over the past year. In 2010-11, we have planned continued growth over previous years reflecting continued and increased investments to serve our mission and increase our impact.
The 2009-10 year is projected to exceed revenue targets and to be underspent in expenses primarily due to underspending in the first quarter of the 2009-10 fiscal year.
A couple of late questions.
Short background to explain the reasons of my two questions: I am in the process of writing a short piece about the way Wikipedia is funded. Whilst I was digging information, and read again the Annual Plan, two questions popped in my mind.
1) Do I understand well that "earned income" include trademarks agreements ? If that is so, does that mean that the agreements passed with Telco companies for the use of the Wikipedia brand, such as the Orange deal, are included in the earned income listed for example on slide 39 for "earned income" in projected 2009/2010 ? Or are these revenus listed elsewhere ?
2) You are maybe aware that some chapter members (deeply) regret that chapters are not listed as revenu sources in the annual plan and I hope that this will be fixed in the future. But meanwhile... are the revenus to be collected by the chapters and transferred to the Wikimedia Foundation counted in the current annual plan ? or were they not listed at all as WMF is not yet sure practical solutions will be found to transfer money from chapters to the WMF ? Or if the money coming from chapters are listed, is it counted as "donations below 10K" or as "donations above 10K" ? Both would make sense (but both would be misleading) as a chapter as an entity would probably transfer more than 10K to WMF, but also as this money in most cases come from small donations. What was your choice for year 2010/2011 ?