They are correct? This doesn't make sense. Why allow users to upload free images to Wikipedia only so these images be moved to Commons by other users? This is totally not efficient. How can you expect users (i.e., me) to do this extra unnecessary step of moving the images?
I do allow free personal images and fair use images to be uploaded to Wikipedia, but free images that should be used on other projects is just a waste of resources (not only technical resources, but volunteering manpower too). Personally, I intend to stop moving images from to Commons until an official decision has been made regarding this issue.
What is SUL anyway?
2007/6/9, geni
On 6/9/07, Yoni Weiden wrote:
I wonder: Is there an obligation to upload free images to Commons? You
I have a argued that by opening the Commons project, you, the
asserted that all free images should be now uploaded to Commons, and
to Wikipeida. Others have argued that there has been no official
thus uploading free images that can and will be used in other projects
still be uploaded to Wikipedia.
They are correct. Of course you can't stop content being moved to commons.
IMHO, "banning" (not technically, but via a rule) uploading of free
image to
Wikipedia will encourge the use of Commons and of it's content.
Once SUL appears it may be reduced but there are still reasons to host content locally (images on main page and personal pics).
-- geni
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