On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 17:59, Gutza gutza@moongate.ro wrote:
On 13-Oct-10 18:52, Milos Rancic wrote:
There are also some rewrite rules. For example, the default (based on amount of texts written in Cyrillic; however, script-neutral) of Serbian Wikipedia is Cyrillic. If you go to http://sr.wikipedia.org/ -- you will find the page in Cyrillic. However, if you go to http://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-el/ -- you'll find the same page in Latin script.
When I said a JavaScript gadget I meant a JavaScript gadget. As per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Gadget, where these things are defined like so: "a JavaScript and/or a CSS snippet that can be enabled simply by checking an option in your Wikipedia preferences".
Rewrite rules with engines and stuff are NOT JavaScript gadgets -- they are rewrite rules with engines and stuff. That will not be accepted by the ro.wiki community in a million years, unless the Red Army occupies the country and the ro.wiki community is contributing from labor camps.
OK. I am out of this discussion, until interested parties find the solution.