Thanks so so much for your great contributions to the Wikimedia Movement, Erik!
Regards, Scott
On 8:46PM, Thu, Feb 7, 2019 Michael Snow < wrote:
On 2/7/2019 7:41 PM, Erik Moeller wrote:
Thank you, Erik, for helping Wikimedia to know itself! I've always appreciated the incredibly rich detail in your reports, your willingness to unpack the awesome complexity of the wiki-verse, and your insistence that this knowledge should be as free and open as the Wikimedia projects are. I've learned a ton from you, and I am looking forward to reading more about your new adventures as a volunteer. :)
Indeed, one of the great insights that Erik's work embodies for me is that providing a framework for approaching knowledge (about the movement, or about anything) is essential to making it truly free. Raw data with no context is free as the air, but lungs are required to breathe. Thank you, Erik, for helping us appreciate how the wiki breathes by showing its patterns and rhythms.
--Michael Snow
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