Not really Ray. And even so, the problem is not the fear of getting arrested, is more the cost of a law suit. In Italy (as in some other Latin countries) law suits are expensive (really, REALLY expensives) and take forever to end. _____ *Béria Lima* 925 171 484
*Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. É isso o que estamos a fazer*
On 5 October 2011 09:46, Ray Saintonge wrote:
On 10/04/11 6:03 AM, Ilario Valdelli wrote:
The question is that the server are in USA, but for the penal law it's sufficient to edit from the Italian country.
I am in a special situation because I live in Switzerland and I publish in USA servers, but for the main numbers of Italian editors the question is not so easy.
If they are so fearful they can use pseudonyms. They would then need to get a legal order from a US court to identify the users.
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