Don't worry emijrp, I guess no German may hit your idea - MySpace things may be unproblematic omitted in convention: For knowing mere facts, they don't use this word - it's Kennen or Kenntnis. Not Wissen.
I'd like to add, while German is not my mother tongue, in the German language "Wissen" is not totally equal to English "knowledge". In German terminology this word has more systematic, scientific and metaphysical nuances. Much nearer to science in English - in German science is Wissenschaft, a derivation of "Wissen".
Wissen has been historically a very rigid notion in German so that once it was argued soulless object (i.e. human) or a sum of certain facts could be included into "Wissen". For another example, Hegel even argued anatomy didn't worth to be called science (Wissenschaft) since it was a mere sum of empirical fact in Vorrede of Phaenomenologie des Geistes. MySpace things may be rejected by all German speakers with their version, I expect.
On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 4:01 AM, emijrp wrote:
I think that the phrase meaning refered to Wikipedia is "the sum of all human knowledge which is notable and encyclopedic".
Not ALL, ALL, ALL human knowledge. MySpace discarded.
2011/9/16 Ziko van Dijk
Today I read on a WMDE driven website:
"»Stellen Sie sich eine Welt vor, in der das gesamte Wissen der Menschheit jedem frei zugänglich ist. Das ist unser Ziel.« Jimmy Wales"
(Imagine a world in which the entire knowledge of mankind is freely accessible to everyone. That is our goal.)
I never read that in English. Jimmy Wales actually said: "... the sum of all human knowledge".
And I think that there is a huge difference between "the sum of all..." and "all...". By the way, the traditional encyclopedias described themselves by "the sum of all..."
But a number of Wikimedia national organizations seem to have difficulties with Jimmy's phrase. They 'translate' it to "all..." I did not succeed, for example, in explaining to my own national organization why it is wrong what we have on our business cards.
Am I the only one seeing a problem here?
Kind regards Ziko
-- Ziko van Dijk The Netherlands
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