Hi folks,
While watching the current changes to Wikimedia France microgrants program implemented, I was curious to know which Wikimedia entities had similar funding programs for individuals - how they worked, how we could learn form each other.
Since apparently there was no Meta page for that(tm) (yet!) I went ahead and drafted <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Jean-Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric/Funding_program...
I dug my information out of my email archives and FDC proposal forms, so I could totally have missed some programs - please add the ones you know about!
Of course, it would be more useful to have more detailed information on every program. Together with Caroline & Pierre-Selim we threw some ideas on what we thought was interesting to know about the programs, but that's still very alpha - please add more ideas!
Looking forward to your thoughts about this!