On 20 September 2012 04:56, Fred Bauder fredbaud@fairpoint.net wrote:
I have never understood anyone who thinks that showing contempt for the Prophet was a smart thing to do. Only great evil comes from it. Not great spiritual trouble or lightning bolts from God; I'm not superstitious, but simply a dirty mess that results in a great deal of damage to innocent people. That Muslims should "grow up" is a given, but so should everyone else. It is simply not possible for Russia to permit showing of such material nor for India, or possibly even France; it's inflammatory.
Given what Russia has been up to in Chechnya and Ingushetia I'm not sure they are too worried about being inflammatory.
Not publishing pictures of the Prophet and being reasonably respectful toward him is pretty much the first lesson anyone who hopes to have a decent relationship with Muslims is taught. Going out of your way to heap contempt on him is just stupid; unless making trouble is your purpose.
We never did get to the bottom of the Russian apartment bombings.