geni wrote:
I fail to understand how the extension of the candidacy period can pose a possible conflict of interest on Philippe's part at all. Please explain.
The board are effectively going to be his future boss's boss.
In theory as a member the election committee he is meant to make the decision on the basis of what is best for the election. Problem is he also has a clear personal interest in choosing the option that is most likely to give him the type of boss's boss he wants.
And as an editor/donor/whatever he also has a clear personal interest. If he hadn't an interest in Wikimedia, he probably wouldn't have volunteered in the first place. So what?
In Germany, the election supervisors are typically employ- ees of the bodies to be elected. Any conflict of interest is avoided in the way that their actions (few in number) are very transparent at practically no discretion.
So, I do not see any answer to Jon's question *how* Phi- lippe could deliberately further his personal goals by par- ticipating in a decision of the election committee to expand (or not) the candidacy period.