Hoi, Hay Kranen created a proof of concept where Commons is searched for pictures that (per standard) use a "depicts" statement.. The search is limited to existing labels in Wikidata and to the search has as its result whatever is available in commons..
Use for instance "appelmoes" and you get six results [1], [2].
At this time you can get a "detail" screen and it provides standard functions available. The functionality can be prettified. Essential is that everything will be internationalised / localised. The other thing is that I hope is that functionality like this becomes standard Commons functionality...
On a more philosophical note, we are a WIKI, it follows that we will work to make more and more pictures searchable in this way and that we get more and more labels in all of our languages. It is however NOT necessary that from the start it needs to be perfect. Please do not let perfection be the enemy of the good. Improvements is what we should aim for and perfection is what we aspire to. Thanks, GerardM
Oh and again Hay, thank you so much.
[1] https://tools.wmflabs.org/hay/sdsearch/#q=haswbstatement:P180=Q618345 [2] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Appelmoes.png