private musings wrote:
G'day all,
This is a sort of 'essay spam' I guess, so for those aspects of this post, I apologise! I've also been criticised on some Wikimedia projects for proposing policy, flooding and generally getting a bit boring about this issue, so I hope you'll forgive me one post to this list, on this issue.
I believe Wikimedia is currently behaving rather irresponsibly in this area, and believe that, for various reasons, a calm examination of the issues is difficult. I have written a rather light-hearted, though serious minded and 'not safe for work' essay about this on the english wikipedia here but would like to specifically raise the following points which represent my perspective;
- Wikimedia should not be censored at all - Legal images and media
of all types should be freely available to use, and re-use.
- In some contexts, such as sexual content, it is desirable to be
rigourous in confirming factors such as the subject's age, and 'release' or permission - it is this area which is lacking a bit at the moment.
I'd like to illustrate by drawing your attention to two images currently being discussed on the 'Commons' project; and
It's my belief that hosting these images without the subject's permission shifts the balance of utility vs. potential for harm towards recommending the images be deleted. I'd love to hear your thoughts :-)
Peter PM.
Regardless of the permission of the subject (which, as far as UK law is concerned in relation to non-public figures, is extremely moot), I note that these images appear to be orphaned, and even if they were not, my test would be of "encyclopedic purpose".
There are plenty of topless images around, and also upshots. If any reader is really ignorant of either, I'm not sure Wikipedia shouold be filling that gap gratuitously. The text of relevant articles should be enough to turn the balance away from necessarily requiring an image. We don't exist to supplant the imagination, but to inform, in an academic style.
As for harm, I don't see it. The point should be whether the image does something that text can't. In the case of these images, and although I fully support images apposite to a topic under discussion, neither is harmful, nor particularly informative.