Hello, how are you guys?
Cornelius Kibelka send me the link of this thread, by mistake, in one discussion on Meta.[1]
And the Carlos Colina's answer is, lets say, "wow! It's super freak weird!!!", because in the WMBR mailing list, one volunteer "asked" who send the request and one of the "proposal's organizers" wrote:
*"Eu não pedi e até onde sei ninguém pediu."* [2] https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimediabr-l/2015-February/016241.html
pt >>> en
I did not request and as far I know, no one did.
So, Mr. Colina, could pleas clarify to the Movement who requested? And where? Because the Brazilian community and not even the WUG BR proposal's organizers know that.
[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_Conference_2015/Overview_Elig... [2] https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimediabr-l/2015-February/016241.htm...