Nathan schrieb:
If the purpose of a Wikipedia or wiki in general is to communicate information... then creating a wiki to serve a small group of people who are already fluent in other major languages does not serve the purpose. I wouldn't object to a wiki of a type "Wikilang" if the idea is only to save the crucial and various aspects of the language itself for historical purposes in a way not conducive to a Wikipedia article, but a full Wikipedia or other project seems unnecessary.
I think that depends on the project. A Wikipedia needs more people that actively support it (i.e. write articles) than a Wikinews project, which needs more people than a Wikisource project.
IMO, it does not make sense to create projects in languages that have too few speakers to make it viable. If a language has only 10000 speakers (native or second-language), there's no way they can produce a full encyclopaedia in that language. However, it only takes a few enthusiastic individuals to create a Wikinews project. A Wikisource project would only need a single person who archives free texts.