Bon dia/Hi
This is a very good graph, Anders. Do we have it at least for the 25-30 first languages in number of articles, or at least to those that have 10 million speakers? Even if grouped in separate graphs, it would certainly help more to extract further conclusions, given that it compares mostly central and northern European languages (and therefore a bias towards a specific cultural and economic context).
I remember that, in 2021, for the English Wikipedia's 20th anniversary, The Economist published an interesting article comparing the same trends (active editors per million speakers) with an additional factor: the GDP per person by averaging the countries in which that language is autochthonous and spoken. Unfortunately, the article has a paywall:
I don't want to say at all that the lessons are purely economical, but I am sure that plotting them against economical parameters, or cultural (population subscribed to streaming platforms per year: Prime+Netflix, etc., or usages of Tiktok+Instagram) we could draw further conclusions. However, we have serious availability gaps in Wikimedia Stats to geolocalize by small country some users', articles' and visits' data of several languages, which could help in the breakdown to see what happen between countries that edit in French or German.
El dijous, 3 de octubre 2024 a les 14:52, Anders Wennersten va escriure:
We have often discussed the trend of fewer active editors, and some of us have just discussed this at nowp and swwp and one of my fellow wikiedian has made a very interesting comparison graph where the numbers are normalized according to number of speakers,
As can be seen av very positive trend on frwp and plwp and reassuring one on enwp. Do we others have important lessons to be learnt from pl and frwp?
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