We expect, however, to at least be told that you're planning to ignore our request. To simply thank us for clarifying it, as you did, while secretly having no intention of complying with it in the first place is hardly something one does when negotiating in good faith.
Just to clarify this point, whenever the board of WMPT (which consists of me, André and Ana [before Béria]) was unable to comply due to legal or logistic reasons we have clearly informed AffCom, and we did not ever failed to comply with your requests, even if we did not like them or felt they were uncalled for.
We have limitations that we are aware of, and have no problem admiting to them. But we have shown nothing but good faith throughout this process.
I also think that AffCom is acting of good faith, just so I am not misinterpreted, and I understand why they have tried to remain neutral in what, to them, seemed like an internal struggle for power.
For me it was nothing of that sort, but the board of WMPT is not interested at this time to keep revisiting these issues, and once we have fulfilled the last step, which is to present a plan for capacity building (currently in draft at https://pt.wikimedia.org/wiki/Plano_de_capacita%C3%A7%C3%A3o_2018), we expect to be treated as a fully functioning chapter up to date with their obligations.
Regards, Gonçalo Themudo
*Presidente* *Wikimedia Portugal* *Email: *goethe.wiki@gmail.com *Website: *http://pt.wikimedia.org https://sites.google.com/view/themudo *Imagine um mundo onde cada ser humano pode partilhar livremente a soma de todo o conhecimento, na sua própria língua.*