Yann Forget wrote:
Le Tuesday 28 June 2005 14:52, Elisabeth Bauer a écrit :
Robert Scott Horning wrote:
I think it is time to have a serious meta-discussion regarding what it going to take in order for the Wikimedia Foundation to accept a whole new project, and what guidelines should be in place, as well as a roadmap for what would have to be accomplished in order for such a project to move from a "gee, this would be a cool idea" to "here is the server space, let's roll!"
[snipped good suggestions]
Sorry to say this, but in my opinion we shouldn't accept any new projects at all for the next two years but instead work on improving the existing ones. There's enough work to do and even the time we discuss new projects would be better invested in discussing and solving our current problems.
I agree 100% with this. I think we have enough problems to solve for the time being. IMO we should make it clear that no new projects will be accepted for at least a year. I have the feeling that we are running forward instead of trying to solve existing problems.
greetings, elian
Regards, Yann
Did you even read what I wrote? I never even suggested that new projects should be created, certainly not immediately. I'm just suggesting that some sort of structure be put into place to permit a new project to be made...eventually. The current process is a mess, and many people in the Wikimedia community (including many who don't bother to read this mailing list) are clammoring to have some new project or new aspect of Wikimedia enhanced or changed. This is precisely to help avoid future problems.
I am specifically pointing out the Sean Turvey is an example of somebody we don't want to discourage (or shouldn't) from participating in existing projects... or solving the problems that you are talking about. I think there is some merit to his proposal, but there needs to be some education in terms of what Wikimedia and its projects are all about. There also needs to be some sort of outlet vent to let ideas ferment and take shape, and I believe that the project proposal page is one way to do that. I hope that Sean hasn't been discouraged from refining his ideas, and I believe that there is a place for much of what he is proposing. Based on his last message, he may have already left, which is our loss, not his.
I guarentee that ignoring the new project proposals completely is going to be a gradual death to Wikimedia and eventually Wikipedia. Most groups are desparate for fresh blood and new ideas, and by killing that avenue completely, it will have an overall chilling effect on the rest of all Wikimedia projects. The current success of Wikipedia and other related projects is attracting many new people, and there should not be an elite attitude that somehow these new "recruits" are somehow less valuable. That some of their energies could be redirected, perhaps, but don't stop the process completely. And be honest to the people proposing these projects, that a well thought out proposal is going to be necessary in order to succeed, which will take time and a lot of effort if they want to see it happen. Right now I don't see that honesty, and from the apparent attitude here that they should never even bother trying.