Yann Forget yann@forget-me.net wrote: Hi all,
Le Wednesday 16 June 2004 01:32, Elisabeth Bauer a �crit :
Hello all,
I'm sure the news is already around, but here is something like a official announcement:
On sunday 13th of June German wikipedians founded a local wikimedia association in Berlin: the ''Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur F�rderung Freien Wissens'' (''Wikimedia Germany - society for the promotion of free knowledge''). We had 34 founding members - among them friends of wikipedia and of course a lot of people of the german wikipedia.
A board of trustees with ten members was elected, among them Kurt Jansson as chairman. The whole board consists of:
- Kurt Jansson (1. chairman)
- Arne Klempert - akl (2. chairman)
- Elisabeth Bauer - elian (secretary)
- Henriette Fiebig (treasurer)
- Daniel Baur (assessor)
- Andr� Darmochwal (assessor)
- Joachim Kerschbaumer (assessor)
- Achim Raschka (assessor)
- Mathias Schindler (assessor)
- Jakob Vo� (assessor)
Congratulations for the creation of the first local chapter, to the new board members, and to all members and contributors!
I hope that we can set up a local chapter in France soon, and that we can eventually collaborate and that our experience could benefit each other organisation.
I also regret that I could not come to Berlin for the meeting.
greetings, elian, akl, sansculotte
greetings, Yann
Yann, je pense que l association allemande a raison d'�lire un board plus important en terme num�rique. 3 est le minimum l�gal, mais un plus grand nombre apportera plus de diversit� et permettrait de r�partir la charge de travail entre les diff�rentes personnes. Qu'en penses tu ? Nous avons suffisemment de personnes au comit� de pilotage maintenant, pour que cela soit possible.
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