Walter van Kalken wrote:
Waerth did send a mail asking if Kennisnet would be willing to pay for access to statistical content. Kennisnet, the portal organisation it is, cannot fulfil such a request. There was however a discussion on how such data would be best hosted. Localisation and versioning were discussed. When you have statistical content, you want to know the date and the source of the content. アムステルダム, 암스테르담 and Амстердам have the same statistics it makes little sense to store this in many projects. Consequently the possibilities that Wikidata offer for this type of information and the possibilities that the Ultimate Wiktionary offer for localisation need to be considered. Kennisnet might consider helping with the creation of the infrastructure for such a project.
And in that same email I said that I would be utterly against such a nightmare scenario of hosting those data at one place. It is yet another project need to tend to while all problems with commons, a much less farreaching similar approach, haven't been settled yet. Also I am just being shown the reason that if I never get access to people of kennisnet my ideas basically get fucked by the messenger.
It is really reassuring that kennisnet actually answers a mail I send (NOT!) might this have something to do with Gerard telling them not to?
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