Thanks for following up.
Regarding the topline number: given the issues that happened with the 2015-2016 WMF annual plan, I am wondering if WMF Finance can start planning early for 2016-2017 around with the following goals. These are some brainstorms, other people may want to add their own suggestions.
* Zero topline budget growth * 3 percent reduction in recurring non-labor costs such as energy and supplies * 10 percent increase in the value of major gifts and in kind donations (thus reducing pressure on the online fundraising) * 5 percent increase in the combined budgets for grants to be disbursed to individuals and affiliates * 5 percent reduction in travel costs * 10 percent average monthly increase in global readership * 10 percent increase in total active editors * 5 percent increase in the quantity of content (measured in bytes) * 10 percent increase in the number of educational organizations in WEP * 10 percent increase in the number of people who are registered members of affiliates.
Further thoughts and comments welcome. We can move this discussion to Meta if more than a handful of budget and governance geeks are interested. (: