The Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee has been joined by two new members, Masssly and Matanya. They were appointed by the Board Governance Committee at the recommendation of the current Elections Committee members following an open call for additional members earlier this year [1].
They have each been appointed for two-year terms, in accordance with the new setup for the standing Elections Committee. The now 8-member volunteer committee is tasked by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees to facilitate the elections for the Board of Trustees and Funds Dissemination Committee [2].
Additionally, the committee has selected KTC to serve as its chair for the upcoming year. As we prepare for an upcoming election, we have also changed the Board Liaison from Dariusz to myself, and asked Tim Moritz Hector from the Board Governance Committee to serve as an additional advisor to the committee.
The upcoming process for both the Board and Funds Dissemination Committee elections will begin soon and run through June. There will be more information coming from the committee on the timeline and nomination process in the coming days.
Please join me in welcoming, congratulating, and thanking Massly, Matanya, KTC and Tim!
Best regards, antanana / Nataliia Tymkiv
[1] [2]
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